04 October 2011

Bundle Up!

{ photo from pinterest }
Fall officially began a little over a week ago, but here in Virginia we had yet to feel a Fall-weather day. Until this past weekend. The cold weather finally crept in, and while I'm sad to say goodbye to summer, I will not miss the heat and humidity. Plus it's time to start wearing my favorite season's clothing - warm sweaters, boots and scarves! I wear lighter, more gauzy scarves in the summer, but my my favorite ones are the cozy, heavy scarves for fall/winter.

This brings me to sharing with you one of my FAVORITE fashion blogs, - Wendy's Lookbook, shared to me by my sister-in-law.  Not only is Wendy Nguyen an amazing fashion blogger, but she has a remarkable story. I love her fashion videos because you really get a sense of what a fun, kind person she is. 

Long story short, Wendy recently put out a video tutorial on 25 ways to wear a scarf. It's a great video, and I am looking forward to trying these different styles with my fall scarves!


{ See More from Wendy's Lookbook by visiting her channel: HERE

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